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구찌 브랜드 이미지가 소비자 태도에 미친 영향연구(A Study on Affects of Consumers Attitude in Gucci’s Brand Image)

구찌 브랜드 이미지가 소비자 태도에 미친 영향연구(A Study on Affects of Consumers Attitude in Gucci’s Brand Image)
Other Titles
A Study on Affects of Consumers Attitude in Gucci`s Brand Image
Attitude; Brand Awareness; Brand Image; Recall; Recognition; 태도; 브랜드 인지; 브랜드 이미지; 회상; 재인
Issue Date
패션비지니스, v. 7, no. 5, page. 119-132
In these days of worldwide network, the famous Characteristics brand which has the raised high confidence through public information and advertisement of a company and a product has estimated as concept of property to be able to create purchasing and high added value and as property value to be able to gain royalty through licensing. According to breaking down of market structure, high competition of sales and being high quality and high price of products, the brand image become an important factor to be decided to purchase products. For the purpose of brand distinction, an affects of consumers attitude in Gucci`s brand image is also an important method for marketing and it was keenly aware of the seriousness. Therefore, this study has been surveyed and analyzed what is difference by way of the population statistics on Gucci`s brand which is well driving away with its brand knowledge by consumers. This method of study is defined the fundamental concept of the brand image, awareness and attitude, and has been studied and analyzed theoretically on Gucci`s brand Image which has the general concept of the brand image strategy, structure and factors. For positive analysis, we chose men and women more than 11 years old whose live in Seoul and the National Capital region as a sample of study. For analysis method, we used analysis method like the average difference method, T-test, dispersion analysis, frequency analysis and technical analysis and SPSS ver. 10.07 for Windows as a statistic analysis program. The result of this study is summarized as the followings. First, for the symbolic image, consumers have realized products of Gucci``s brand as ``high graded``, ``fashion sensibility``, ``attractive images``. For the functional image, Gucci`s brand is thought as practical, delicate, high quality and durable images. For the bags of Gucci`s brand image, they have a strong awareness of the symbolic image and also women have a high positive brand awareness as high graded brand awareness rather than men. Therefore, the brand of Gucci has a high positive brand awareness generally in a consumer attitude whatever in scholastic achievement. Furthermore, the Brand of Gucci has "the brand marketing strategy not for products image but for company brand image" and has advertised a strong brand image as an advertising campaign so that it was aware of the company in memory of consumers. As the result, it is showing that the consumers have a tendence to chose Gucci`s products for purchasing depend on the brand associations among the varieties of brands.
1229-3350; 2288-1867
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