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The Development and Prioritization of Consensus Sustainable City Indicators for Cambodia

The Development and Prioritization of Consensus Sustainable City Indicators for Cambodia
Myeong-Hun Lee
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This research aims to develop all dimensional sustainable city indicators for Cambodia through the consensus method. After obtaining consensus sustainable city indicators, this research aims to prioritize the consensus indicators and select the top priority indicators for Cambodia. More importantly, this research intends to assess the sustainability of the largest and emerging cities of Cambodia by applying the prioritized consensus sustainable city indicators. This research used Delphi to develop sustainable city indicators for Cambodia. Sixteen of twenty invited panelists came to round one and two whereas ten came to round three. Then, this research used AHP to prioritize the indicators. AHP surveys were conducted via both offline and online. A hundred valid samples were gathered from potential respondents experienced and working in urban planning, development, and assessment and other relevant fields. Finally, the largest and emerging cities were assessed by using the standard Z-scores. The results showed that 69 initial indicators were obtained from Delphi round one. These indicators were reduced to 41 indicators in Delphi round two, and further reduced to 32 indicators in Delphi round three. Though, all the 32 indicators reached the agreement after consensus analysis. The consensus rate is very strong―the confirmed levels of importance were all equal to or above 3.50, and the consensus rates were all equal to or above 90.00%. Thus, the 32 consensus sustainable city indicators are considered strongly important for assessing the development and management of sustainable cities in Cambodia. Housing and safety were found to be the most important criteria for assessing sustainable city development and management in Cambodia. Therefore, increasing investments and/or budget allocation through housing and safety indicators could be a proper option for Cambodia towards achieving the sustainability of its cities, particularly the sustainable development goal 11 of the United Nations. Crime prevention was found to be the most important safety indicator while housing indicator is slum and poor settlement rate. Employment indicator is unemployment rate whereas water use indicator is potable water supply ratio. Demographic indicator is population growth rate while transport indicator is traffic congestion reduction. Waste management indicator is solid waste collection service whereas urban space and tourism indicator is urban park-space ratio. Finally, the important air quality and energy indicator is energy consumption rate. Phnom Penh was found to be weak in housing, safety, and urban space and tourism. Therefore, in order to improve its sustainability, this capital should focus on (a) improving slums and poor (informal/unplanned) settlements, (b) crime prevention, and (c) urban space preservation or urban park construction. Siem Reap was found to be weak in demographic structure, employment, and waste management. Thus, in order to improve its sustainability, this city should focus on (a) managing population growth or migration rate, (b) reducing the unemployment rate, and (c) improving solid waste collection services. Battambang was found to be weak in transport, water use, and air quality and energy. Hence, in order to improve its sustainability, this city should focus on (a) investing in public transport initiatives (ex. city’s bus system), (b) improving potable water supply infrastructure, and (c) expanding the electricity supply.
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