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THI를 이용한 비만 중학생들의 건강수준 평가

THI를 이용한 비만 중학생들의 건강수준 평가
Other Titles
An Evaluation Study on the health status by THI of the Middle School obses Students
Alternative Author(s)
Choi, Mi-Keyong
Issue Date
이 연구의 목적은 THI(Todai Health Index)를 이용하여 비만중학생들의 건강수준을 평가하여 비만학생 관리에 필요한 기초 자료를 제공하는 데 있다. 자료수집은 경기도 B시에 소재하는 3개구의 3개 중학교 대상학생수 3,342명에서 신체검사 결과를 근거로 추출한 231명의 비만학생 중 설문지 응답 결과 부실한 20명을 제외한 211명을 대상으로 2006년 7월 1일부터 2006년 7월 20일까지 설문지조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 12.0으로 분석한 바, 그 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 비만학생의 건강문제 호소 양상은 신체적 항목(1.08) 보다 정신적 항목(1.75)이 더 높은 호소를 보였으며, 신체적 항목에서는 호흡기(1.60), 정신적 항목에서는 신경질(1.90)이 가장 높은 호소를 나타냈다. 둘째, 성별에 따른 비만도별 THI는 경도, 중등도, 고도비만 모두 여자(1.72)가 남자(1.63)보다 더 높은 호소를 보였다. 셋째, 연령에 의한 비만도별 THI는 경도비만에서는 16세(1.65)가 가장 높고, 중등도비만은 15세(1.76), 고도비만은 16세(2.07)로 비만도가 클수록 높았다. 넷째, 가정수입원에 의한 비만도별 THI는 경도·중등도 비만에서는 기타가족이 수입원일 때 높았고, 고도비만은 부모님(1.75)일 경우 호소가 높았다. 다섯째, 보호자 특성에 의한 비만도별 THI는 경도·고도 비만에서는 기타일 때, 중등도 비만에서는 어머니(1.84)가 보호자일 경우 높았다. 여섯째, 비만교육경험에 의한 비만도별 THI는 경도비만에서는 차이가 없었으며, 중등도 비만은 있다(1.81)그룹, 고도비만은 없다(1.74)그룹이 높았다. 일곱째, 체형만족도에 의한 비만도별 THI는 경도·중등도 비만에서는 전혀 그렇지 않다 그룹, 고도비만에서는 그렇다라고 응답한 그룹이 더 호소가 높았다. 여덟째, 운동 횟수에 의한 비만도별 THI는 경도비만에서는 전혀안함(1.74), 중등도·고도비만은 주1-2회 운동 그룹이 그 호소가 높았다. 아홉째, 식습관에 의한 비만도별 THI는 경도·중등도 비만에서는 더 먹는다 그룹이 높게 나타났으며, 고도비만은 반 이상 남김(1.79)그룹이 가장 높았다. 열 번째, 아침식사유무에 의한 비만도별 THI는 안먹는다 그룹이 가장 높게 호소하였으며, 경도비만은 주1-3회 그룹이 높았고, 중등도·고도비만은 안먹는다 그룹이 그 호소가 높게 나타났다. 열한 번째, 간식횟수에 의한 비만도별 THI는 경도·중등도 비만에서는 저녁 전 1회 이상, 고도비만은 저녁 후 1회 이상 그룹이 호소가 높았다. 열두 번째, 수면시간에 의한 비만도별 THI는 경도비만에서는 7-8시간, 중등도·고도 비만은 5-6시간 그룹이 높은 호소를 나타냈다. 열세 번째, 대인관계에 의한 비만도별 THI는 경도·고도비만에서는 1-2명인 그룹이 가장 호소가 높고, 중등도 비만에서 별 차이가 없었다. 마지막으로 신체 및 정신적 항목 THI 점수들 상호간의 상관관계를 알아보면우울성과 정서불안정의 상관계수가(0.757) 가장 높았고, 다음으로는 충동성과 정서불안정(0.702)이었다. 그 외에 유의수준 p=.01에서 다른 모든 항목들도 상호관련성이 있었다.; This study aims at offering basic information necessary for managing obese students after evaluating health conditions of obese middle school students by THI (Todai Health Index). Data was collected from a survey of 211 obese students from July.1, 2006 to July. 20, 2006. Initially, 231 obese students were selected from 3,342 students at three middle schools in three districts, B city, Gyeonggi province based on the physical examination results, but 20 students were excluded on the grounds that their survey responses were not sufficient. Using SPSS 12.0, collected data was analyzed and the following results were gained 1. Obese students' pattern of health complaints by THI First. obese students' pattern of health complaints revealed that they had more mental item (1.75) than physical one (1.08) and their most frequent physical item is respiratory related problem (1.60), while the most frequent mental one is nervousness (1.90). 2. The pattern of THI health complaints according to students' obesity degree. First, THI by obesity according to gender was higher in women (1.72) than in men(1.63) in all three obesity groups; mild, moderate, and severe obesity group. Second, THI by obesity according to age indicated that the higher obesity degree was, the higher their THI climbed, with 16-year-olds (1.65) in the mild obesity group, 15-year-olds (1.76) in the moderate group, and 16-year-olds (2.07) in the severe group. Third, THI by obesity according to household income rose higher in the mild and moderate obesity groups when other family members other than parents were breadwinners. In the severe obesity group it was higher when parents were breadwinners (1.75). Fourth, THI by obesity according to the characteristics of guardians was higher in the mild and severe obesity groups when guardians were other persons other than mothers. In the moderate obesity group it reached higher when guardians were mothers (1.84). Fifth, THI by obesity according to the experience in obesity education did not make any difference in the mild obesity group whether students had the obesity education or not. However, in the moderate obesity group (1.81) THI rose higher among students with the education experience and in the severe group (1.74) it was higher among students with no education experience. Sixth, THI by obesity according to the level of satisfaction with their bodies was higher in students who responded not at all in the mild and moderate groups and in students who said yes in the severe obesity group. Seventh, THI by obesity according to the frequency of exercise rose higher in students (1.74) who responded never in the mild obesity group, and in students who exercise 1-2times a week in the moderate and severe groups. Eighth, THI by obesity according to eating habits was higher in students who said they ate more than recommended amount in the mild and moderate groups and students (1.79) who responded they ate less than half of recommended amount in the severe obesity group. Ninth, THI by obesity according to whether students had breakfast or not was the highest in overall students who said no. Specifically, THI was higher in students who ate breakfast 1-3times per week in the mild obesity group and students who said they never eat in the moderate and severe groups. Tenth, THI by obesity according to the frequency of snacks was higher in students who ate snacks more than once before dinner in the mild and moderate groups and students who ate more than once after dinner in the severe obese group Eleventh, THI by obesity according to sleeping hours was higher in students who slept seven to eight hours in the mild obesity group, and students who slept five to six hours in the moderate and severe groups. Twelfth, THI by obesity according to personal relations was higher in students who have one or two friends in the mild and severe obesity groups and was not much different for students in the moderate group. 3. Correlation between THI scores of physical and mental complaints First. the correlation coefficient between depression and emotional disturbance was the highest (0.757) followed by that of impulse and emotional disturbance (0.702). Besides, at the level of significance of p=.01, all other health complaints were correlated.
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