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dc.description.abstract흡연은 심혈관계 질환과 그에 따른 합병증의 잘 알려진 위험인자이다. 이전의 심혈관계 질환이 있는 경우에는, 흡연이 심실세동과 돌연사를 더욱 증가시킨다. 현재까지의 연구는, 흡연자와 비흡연자사이의 심박동 변이도를 비교하였을 뿐 흡연자의 흡연량과 심박동 변이도의 상관관계를 조사한 연구는 없었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 흡연자의 흡연량과 심박동 변이도의 상관관계를 조사하고자 하였다. 심혈관계 질환의 위험인자가 없고 약물복용을 하고 있지 않은 건강한 20대 남성중 신체진찰 및 심전도상 이상소견이 없는 자를 대상으로 총 90명이 실험에 참가하였다. 흡연여부와 흡연량에 따라 비흡연자군, 1갑미만 흡연자군, 1갑이상 흡연자군으로 나누었다. 15분간 앙와위자세로 휴식을 취하게 한 뒤 조절호흡하에 5분간 심전도를 측정하였으며 LF, HF, LF/HF비, mean RR, RMSSD, SDNN을 구하였다. 흡연량이 증가함에 따라 LF증가(91.4±25.98 vs 159.37±34.92 vs 192.3±81.01, P<0.05), HF감소(326.37±46.29 vs 213.1±60.71 vs 165.77±90.55, P<0.05), LF/HF비의 증가(0.29±0.08 vs 0.77±0.16 vs 1.25±0.34, P<0.05), RMSSD감소(47.92±9.59 vs 34.04±7.33 vs 29.32±12.84, P<0.05), SDNN감소(100.13±23.08 vs 38.53±17.41 vs 26.72±25.22, P<0.05)를 보였다. 흡연량과 심박동 변이도 사이에는, 흡연량이 증가함에 따라 교감신경 활성도는 증가하고 부교감 신경 활성도는 감소하는, 양-반응 관계가 있음이 확인되었다.; Smoking is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and complications. If one has history of cardiovascular disease, smoking could increase ventricular fibrillation and sudden death. Studies so far have only focused on comparison of heart rate variability amongst smokers and non-smokers, not the correlation between increase in quantity of cigarettes and heart rate variability. Accordingly, this study has been conducted in order to examine the effect of different quantity of cigarettes consumed on a smoker's heart rate variability. Amongst healthy male participants in their mid to late 20s who are not exposed to risk factors of cardiovascular disease or any medication, 90 have been selected for this study after physical examination and ECG. Participants were categorized as non-smokers, smokers who smoke less than a pack per day, and smokers who smoke a pack per day at least. Participants were then put to rest in supine position for 15 minutes. Under controlled respiration, ECG was examined for 5 minutes to find LF, HF, LF/HF ratio, mean RR, RMSSD, SDNN. Accordingly to quantity of cigarette consumption, LF increases(91.4±25.98 vs 159.37±34.92 vs 192.3±81.01, P<0.05), HF decreases(326.37±46.29 vs 213.1±60.71 vs 165.77±90.55, P<0.05), LF/HF ratio increases( 0.29±0.08vs 0.77±0.16 vs 1.25±0.34, P<0.05), RMSSD decreases(47.92±9.59 vs 34.04±7.33 vs 29.32±12.84, P<0.05), and SDNN decrease(100.13±23.08 vs 38.53±17.41 vs 26.72±25.22, P<0.05). Quantity of cigarette consumption and heart rate variability are found to be correlated. As comsumption increases, sympathetic activity increases whilsh parasympathetic activity decrease. It clearly comfirms dose-response relationship.-
dc.title흡연량이 심박동 변이도에 미치는 영향-
dc.title.alternativeThe relationship between amount of smoking and Heart rate variability-
dc.contributor.alternativeauthorChae, Hee Joong-
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