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환경영향평가제도에 있어서 주민참여제도 개선방안에 관한 연구

환경영향평가제도에 있어서 주민참여제도 개선방안에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the Improvement Scheme of Residents' Participatory in Environmental Impact Assessment
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, MIn Cheol
Issue Date
1993년 환경영향평가법이 제정됨에 따라 도입된 주민참여제도는 시행과정에 나타난 제도·운영상의 문제에 대해 환경영향평가법의 개정으로 몇 차례 수정·보완되어 개선되어왔다. 그러나 환경영향평가 시 주민설명회에서 지역주민과 사업시행자의 간에 마찰이 빚어지고, 환경갈등이 해소되지 않고 있는 것이 현실이다. 본 연구는 주민설명회와 공청회에서 제기된 주민의견을 사업별로 내용을 분석하여 쟁점을 유형화하고, 그 개선방안을 제시함을 목적으로 하였다. 본 연구의 문제점을 파악하기 위해 선행연구의 문헌을 조사하였고, 환경영향평가 시 주민갈등의 쟁점을 유형화하기 위해 2005년도부터 2011년까지 한국환경정책·평가연구원에서 접수된 환경평가서초안 중에서 도로건설 분야, 주택건설 분야, 골프장건설 분야 등 3개의 사업 분야를 대상으로 조사·분석하여 주민의 갈등·쟁점을 크게 세 가지의 관점으로 분류한 바, 첫째, 보상·이주, 문화재 훼손 등의 사업전반에 관한 사항, 둘째, 환경오염의 영향최소화 방안, 일조권 등의 평가서내용에 관한사항, 셋째, 주민설명회 공고 및 홍보, 참석범위 등 수렴제도 및 운영에 관한사항 등으로 쟁점을 유형화하였다. 이러한 쟁점에 대한 해결방안을 모색하기 위해 환경영향평가 대행자의 위주로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 사업추진과정에서의 주민쟁점과의 관련성, 국제규격인 IAIA의 권고사항, 그리고 제도적 측면과 운영적 측면에서의 개선방안으로 제시하였다. 제도적 측면에서 주민설명회 과정에서 제기되는 보상·이주 등 재산권 문제는 환경영향평가 전 단계에서 다루어 져야 할 사항으로 별도 사업설명회를 개최하거나 이해관계를 조정하는 협의체 기구를 설치·운영하는 방안이다. 또한 주민설명회의 개념을 명확히 규정하는 것도 필요하다. 그리고 주민의견 내용을 평가서에 반영하고 이행여부를 확인하는 사후관리 제도도 마련되어야 한다. 운영적인 측면에서 주민설명회의 과정에서 평가서초안에 관한 자료와 정보가 해당 지역주민에 정확하게 전파될 수 있도록 전달체계가 강화되어야 하고, 평가서 내용도 알기 쉽게 작성하여 정보접근이 용이 하도록 환경전문가를 활용하는 것도 필요하다. 또한 평가대상 지역의 주민에 대한 환경의식 제고를 위해 관할 지방자치단체의 역할도 중요하다. 그리고 평가서의 자료의 신뢰성을 높이기 위해 사업시행자와 지역주민간의 지속적인 접촉과 대화의 장을 마련하는 것이 필요하다. | According to enacting Law of environmental impact assessment in 1993, the system of residents’ participation was introduced. It showed institutional and operational problems when the process was carried out, so the provision has been enhanced by several amendments. But while conducting the environmental effects assesment, the conflicts and some environmental problems have still existed between residents and the business people at the presentation targeted the residents. This research is aimed at two things : One is Classifying the conflicts into some points according to the residents’ opinions from the presentation and public hearing. And another is making solutions to improve it. To understand problems of the research, we have made investigation into some previous documents. And, for classifying the issue of the residents’ conflicts about Environmental effects evaluation, we categorized and researched the issue of their conflicts into 3 groups in a large way, such as road construction, homebuiding and golf course construction area for approximately 7 years (2005-2011) in the draft of the environmental statement by Korea Environment Institute. As a result, we found three categories of it : 1. Point of general business related to compensation and movememt, damage of cultural assets 2. Point of Reduction methods for environmental impacts and Right to have sunlight on the statement 3. Points of operating some collet systems including presentations, campaigns and also settng the range of participation for residents To solve those problems, we have conducted a survey targeting Environmental effects evaluation agents. The results from this research have been proposed to solve matters regarding the relationship between local residents and of the business progress, recommendations from IAIA(Global Standard), and improvements through institutional, managementorial view-points. In a institutional view-point, issues of property rights should be resolved before the environmental assessment, and in order to do so, separate business briefings or consultative groups should be organized to solve compensations, migration problems. Also, the definition of resident briefings should be ruled. Furthermore, resident opinions should be reflected inside the assessment and follow-up service system that check the fulfillment are needed. In a managemental viewpoint, in order to accurately inform residents of informations regarding assessment drafts, a more effective notification system is needed, thus the assessment itself should be easily made and useable by environmental specialists. Whereas, to improve the environmental consciousness of local residents, the role of local governments are important. For this assessment to be more reliable, contact points should continuously be made between business entities and local residents.; According to enacting Law of environmental impact assessment in 1993, the system of residents’ participation was introduced. It showed institutional and operational problems when the process was carried out, so the provision has been enhanced by several amendments. But while conducting the environmental effects assesment, the conflicts and some environmental problems have still existed between residents and the business people at the presentation targeted the residents. This research is aimed at two things : One is Classifying the conflicts into some points according to the residents’ opinions from the presentation and public hearing. And another is making solutions to improve it. To understand problems of the research, we have made investigation into some previous documents. And, for classifying the issue of the residents’ conflicts about Environmental effects evaluation, we categorized and researched the issue of their conflicts into 3 groups in a large way, such as road construction, homebuiding and golf course construction area for approximately 7 years (2005-2011) in the draft of the environmental statement by Korea Environment Institute. As a result, we found three categories of it : 1. Point of general business related to compensation and movememt, damage of cultural assets 2. Point of Reduction methods for environmental impacts and Right to have sunlight on the statement 3. Points of operating some collet systems including presentations, campaigns and also settng the range of participation for residents To solve those problems, we have conducted a survey targeting Environmental effects evaluation agents. The results from this research have been proposed to solve matters regarding the relationship between local residents and of the business progress, recommendations from IAIA(Global Standard), and improvements through institutional, managementorial view-points. In a institutional view-point, issues of property rights should be resolved before the environmental assessment, and in order to do so, separate business briefings or consultative groups should be organized to solve compensations, migration problems. Also, the definition of resident briefings should be ruled. Furthermore, resident opinions should be reflected inside the assessment and follow-up service system that check the fulfillment are needed. In a managemental viewpoint, in order to accurately inform residents of informations regarding assessment drafts, a more effective notification system is needed, thus the assessment itself should be easily made and useable by environmental specialists. Whereas, to improve the environmental consciousness of local residents, the role of local governments are important. For this assessment to be more reliable, contact points should continuously be made between business entities and local residents.
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