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소비자의 혁신성과 구매행동과의 관계에 관한 연구

소비자의 혁신성과 구매행동과의 관계에 관한 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the Relationship between Consumer Innovativeness and Purchasing Behaviors : Focused on Mobile Phone Consumers in South Korea
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Sang Hoon
Issue Date
IT 기술의 발달로 인해 정보 확산의 채널환경이 비약적으로 발전하였다. 변화된 정보통신 환경에 따라 소비자들의 특성도 함께 변화하고 있으며 기술혁신 제품 특성에 부합하는 혁신 확산전략 개발이 필요하다. 많은 연구자들이 신제품 확산을 위해 소비자 혁신성 연구를 하고 있지만 다양한 제품에 대해 일반적으로 적용되기는 어렵다고 할 수 있다. 특히 첨단기술 제품들이 짧은 수명주기를 가지고 경쟁이 심한 시장에 출시되는 경우 기업은 소비자의 특성을 더욱 파악하기 어렵다. 따라서 본 연구는 첨단기술 제품 소비자들을 대상으로 소비자의 제품 구매특성을 분석하였다. 최근 기술혁신제품의 대표 격이라 할 수 있는 휴대폰의 소비자들을 대상으로 이전 연구에서 제안된 소비자 혁신성 지표들을 최근의 휴대폰 소비자에게 적용하였을 때에 구매의도에 어떤 영향을 주는지 알아보았다. 또한 휴대폰 후기수용자들의 구매특성을 실증분석 하였다. 연구결과, 소비자 혁신성 지표들 중‘특정분야 혁신성’지표들이 휴대폰 소비자의 구매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 주는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 휴대폰 구매 특성에서는 구매의도가 높은 후기수용자들은 휴대폰 선택에 있어 디자인과 기능을 중요하게 고려하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 특히 디자인의 중요도가 매우 높았고 가격의 중요도는 높지 않았으며 브랜드에 대한 중요도는 낮았다. 이러한 연구결과는 휴대폰 제조 기업의 제품 출시 및 목표 고객 선정 전략에 이용될 수 있을 것이다.|As technology innovation is radical in the IT, the transfer of information is rapid as well. The rapid transfer of information leads out new typed characteristics and behaviors of customers in their decision making for purchasing goods. Therefore, it is required intensively to develop the strategy for new product launch. A lot of scholars have researched about consumer innovativeness, but it is difficult to generally apply the theoretical results to various new products. In particular, for high-tech products, which have a short life cycle in the competitive market, it is difficult that manufacturers identify the characteristics of the consumers. These days, mobile phone is considered as a leading product of high-tech. In this study, we analyze the characteristics of consumers who are trying to purchase mobile phone. Here, we extracted consumer innovativeness factors from previous studies and tried applying them to mobile phone consumers in South Korea to identify their characters. In conclusion, we find out that positive relationship exists between domain-specific consumer innovativeness and mobile phone purchasing intention. Also we find out that the later adopters who have higher purchasing intention pay more attention to its exterior design and functionality than price and brand name. These findings can be used for manufacturer's R&D and marketing strategies for consumer targeting and new product release schedule.; As technology innovation is radical in the IT, the transfer of information is rapid as well. The rapid transfer of information leads out new typed characteristics and behaviors of customers in their decision making for purchasing goods. Therefore, it is required intensively to develop the strategy for new product launch. A lot of scholars have researched about consumer innovativeness, but it is difficult to generally apply the theoretical results to various new products. In particular, for high-tech products, which have a short life cycle in the competitive market, it is difficult that manufacturers identify the characteristics of the consumers. These days, mobile phone is considered as a leading product of high-tech. In this study, we analyze the characteristics of consumers who are trying to purchase mobile phone. Here, we extracted consumer innovativeness factors from previous studies and tried applying them to mobile phone consumers in South Korea to identify their characters. In conclusion, we find out that positive relationship exists between domain-specific consumer innovativeness and mobile phone purchasing intention. Also we find out that the later adopters who have higher purchasing intention pay more attention to its exterior design and functionality than price and brand name. These findings can be used for manufacturer's R&D and marketing strategies for consumer targeting and new product release schedule.
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