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미술융합 중심의 고등학교 STEAM 교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용 연구

미술융합 중심의 고등학교 STEAM 교육 프로그램 개발 및 적용 연구
Other Titles
A Study on the Development and Application of STEAM Education Program for High School Students, Focused Convergence on Arts.
Alternative Author(s)
Yang, Sun Hwa
Issue Date
현재 우리는 많은 양의 정보들이 대량 생산되어지며 공유되어 지고 있는 정보통신 및 스마트 디바이스의 대중화 사회를 살아가고 있다. 이에 많은 양의 정보를 보다 가치 있게 활용하여 새로운 창조물을 창출해 내기 위해 학문, 지식, 문화, 예술, 지식 등의 융합을 시도 하고 있다. 이러한 변화에 따라 사회에서 요구하는 인재상 또한 I자형 인재에서 A자형 인재로 변화하여 다양한 지식과 상식, 그리고 한 분야에서의 전문성에 커뮤니케이션 능력까지 지닌 인재상을 요하고 있다. 사회의 변화와 함께 교육의 흐름이 변화함으로써 융합인재교육의 필요성이 대두됨에 따라 STEAM 교육이 등장하기 시작하였다. 본 연구자는 사회가 발전하는데 과학기술이 큰 기여를 한다는 사실을 바탕으로 과학・기술적 사고를 가진 학생들을 대상으로 연구하였다. 이 부분에 있어 미국의 디자인 및 기술의 선두자로 불리 우는 Steve Jobs의 사례를 토대로 과학・기술적 사고를 가진 인재에게 가장 필요한 사고를 미술적 사고로 판단할 수 있었다. 과학・기술적 사고와 미술적 사고의 특성은 상반된 성향으로 인해 이타적인 관계성을 가질 것이라고 생각하지 하지만, 다른 성향의 사고가 상호보완적인 역할을 해 냄으로써 새로운 혁신적인 결과물을 탄생 시킬 수 있는 기회를 제공 할 수 있었다. 또한 현 시대는 기술적인 부분만을 강조하는 시대를 넘어 소비자들의 마음을 움직일 수 있는 감성적인 디자인도 요하는 시대로써 과학기술에 있어서 미술은 필수불가결한 요인이 되었다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 미래에 과학기술의 발전을 이끌어 제품을 창조해내는 것에는 미술의 요소가 필요함을 인식시키고자 제품디자인 분야를 프로그램 개발의 영역으로 삼을 수 있었다. 이에 미술교과가 가지고 있는 타교과와의 연계성 및 영향력을 STEAM 교육을 통해 살펴보고 과학・기술적 사고 특성을 가지고 있는 인재를 대상으로 미술적 사고를 증진 시킬 수 있는 미술융합 중심의 STEAM 교육 프로그램 개발을 시도하였으며, 적용을 통해 학교교육 현장에서의 실제적 상황과 문제점 등을 제언하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 2009개정 교육과정에 근거하여 지구과학Ⅰ, 기술・가정, 미술문화 교과를 융・복합적으로 접근하고, 실생활과 연계되는 캠핑여행이라는 주제를 설정함에 따라 학생 스스로가 문제를 해결해 나가면서 정보를 습득하여 창의적인 결과물을 얻을 수 있도록 설정하였다. 또한 과학・기술적 사고의 특성을 가진 학생들의 성향을 고려하기 위해 분석적, 객관적, 추론적, 분류적 사고의 특성을 바탕으로 미술적 사고의 요소로 다룸으로써 다음과 같은 결론에 도달 할 수 있었다. 첫째, 미술교과에 대해 낮은 흥미도와 거리감을 가지고 있던 학생들로 하여금 미술교과의 단일 수업보다 즐거움에 대한 만족도가 높게 나타났으며, 적극적인 참여태도를 보였다. 둘째, 미술교과와 지구과학Ⅰ, 기술・가정 교과의 연계성으로 인해 흥미로운 수업을 진행 할 수 있었으며, 융합 수업을 접할 수 있는 기회를 제공 할 수 있었다. 이에 탐구, 추측, 분리, 설계, 제작 등의 과학적 사고와 감상, 이해, 소통, 창의, 몸적 체험, 감성적 체험 등의 미술적 사고의 활동을 연계하여 다양한 사고를 증진 시킬 수 있었다. 셋째, 캠핑여행이라는 주제를 통해 학생들의 관심사에 해당하는 유럽여행을 소재로 프로그램을 구성하여 기후에서부터 텐트 제작까지 진행하면서 실생활과 연계시킨 교과 학습의 활용을 경험 할 수 있었으며, 이에 교과 학습에 대한 인식 변화를 확인 할 수 있었다. 넷째, 지식습득 위주의 주업으로 인해 모둠활동이 현저히 낮게 나타나는 고등학교에서 모둠활동의 기회를 통해 학생들끼리의 협동심, 타협, 이해, 교우관계 증진 등을 느낄 수 있는 유익한 시간을 제공하였다 다섯째, 학교교육 현장에서의 STEAM 교육 시행과 관련하여 교과시간, 장소, 기자재, 교사의 노력, 해당 학교의 교육 정책 등이 장애물적 요소가 된다는 것을 파악 할 수 있었다. 새로운 체제의 학습 풍토를 조성하기 위해서는 학교의 새로운 변화와 정부의 지원이 필요하다는 것을 현장에서 직접 확인하여 제언 할 수 있었다. 따라서, 무엇보다 학생들에게 교과 융합의 필요성을 인식시키고 진로와 관련된 타교과와의 융합 경험의 기회 제공이 중요하다고 볼 수 있으며, 이에 다양한 형태의 질적인 통합교육이 이루어 질 수 있도록 학교 현장의 모습을 토대로 한 제언과 함께 미술융합 중심의 STEAM 교육 제안 및 중요성을 모색해보고자 한다.| Today the world we are living in is dominated by information communication and smart devices mass producing and sharing information. So, in order to utilize larger information in a more valuable manner to generate new useful things, people try to converge diverse areas such as academia, knowledge, culture, art, etc. According to such transformation, societies have also changed to demand from the so-called I-shaped talent to A-shaped talent who has broad abilities from specialty in one specific area to communication skill. In step with the social changes, education has also transformed, raising the need for more converged talent education or STEAM. The research, based on the aspect that scientific technology advancement largely contributes to social development, has examined students having a science and technologic-oriented way of thinking in this research. As for this, the researcher investigated the case of Steve Jobs, called as a pioneer of design and technology in the US, to identify artificially way of thinking as the most necessary aspect for science and technology-focused talents. The characteristics of talent with scientific/technological mind and artificial mind may be easily understood as conflicting with each other and form irrelevance. But in fact, they were found out to be complementary with each other to create more opportunities of innovative outcomes. Also, the modern era is beyond just single focus of technology but into more sensitive designs that could even move consumers, positioning art as an indispensable facto for science and technology. Therefore, in order to raise the awareness that art elements are necessary for product creation based on scientific technology advancement, the researcher has selected the product design area as an area for program development. To this end, the thesis looked in STEAM education for any correlation and effect of art subject curriculum with other schools, tried to develop an art-converging STEAM educational program to improve the artistic way of thinking in talent interested in science and technology, and applied it to actual field of school education to find out problems, etc. This research, based on the 2009 national educational curriculum amendment, examined textbooks of Earth Science I, Technology/Home Economics, and Art and Culture. Under the theme of camping tour, selected in relation to actual life herein, students were encouraged to solve problems themselves, acquire information to gain a creative outcome. In addition, to analyze the characteristics of students interested in science and technology,, analytical, objective, inferential and classified ways of examination were utilized to deal with artistic way of thinking. As a result, the following outcomes were found. First, students who had had lower interest in art subjects and distanced them from it were found to improve their satisfaction with art subjects and showed more proactive engagement. Second, by linking art classes with Earth Science I, Technology/Home Economics, etc., classes could be more interesting to students while providing them an opportunity to experience a converged class. Diversified ways of thinking were improved by connecting artistic activities such as appreciation, comprehension, communication, creativity, physical experience, emotional experience, etc. with scientific ways of thinking such as exploration, inference, separation, designing, manufacturing, etc. Third, under the theme of camping tour, this research program was organized with an European tour many student were interested in. In the program, students could experience more realistic activities from weather to tent setting. During the process, students were found to change their awareness on school textbook learning activities. Forth, by providing a group activity opportunity to high schools, which, in South Korea, have especially low frequency of group activities due to one-way knowledge delivery-centered way of education, high school students were found to enjoy a useful time of cooperation with other classmates, compromise, understanding and enhanced friendship. Fifth, regarding the STEAM education implementation in the field of school education, some obstacles were found such as class schedule, place of education, equipment and devices, efforts of teachers, education policies of a corresponding school. To establish a new learning environment with fresh system, schools are required to change and government support is also necessary as we suggested herein after experiencing the field status. Therefore, most of all, it seems essential to let students understand the need to converge diverse subjects and let them experience converged learning by combining different kinds of subjects. Against this backdrop, the present research seeks to make several suggestions for more integrated form of education in terms of quality based on the field of school education while exploring significance and proposals on art-converged STEAM education.; Today the world we are living in is dominated by information communication and smart devices mass producing and sharing information. So, in order to utilize larger information in a more valuable manner to generate new useful things, people try to converge diverse areas such as academia, knowledge, culture, art, etc. According to such transformation, societies have also changed to demand from the so-called I-shaped talent to A-shaped talent who has broad abilities from specialty in one specific area to communication skill. In step with the social changes, education has also transformed, raising the need for more converged talent education or STEAM. The research, based on the aspect that scientific technology advancement largely contributes to social development, has examined students having a science and technologic-oriented way of thinking in this research. As for this, the researcher investigated the case of Steve Jobs, called as a pioneer of design and technology in the US, to identify artificially way of thinking as the most necessary aspect for science and technology-focused talents. The characteristics of talent with scientific/technological mind and artificial mind may be easily understood as conflicting with each other and form irrelevance. But in fact, they were found out to be complementary with each other to create more opportunities of innovative outcomes. Also, the modern era is beyond just single focus of technology but into more sensitive designs that could even move consumers, positioning art as an indispensable facto for science and technology. Therefore, in order to raise the awareness that art elements are necessary for product creation based on scientific technology advancement, the researcher has selected the product design area as an area for program development. To this end, the thesis looked in STEAM education for any correlation and effect of art subject curriculum with other schools, tried to develop an art-converging STEAM educational program to improve the artistic way of thinking in talent interested in science and technology, and applied it to actual field of school education to find out problems, etc. This research, based on the 2009 national educational curriculum amendment, examined textbooks of Earth Science I, Technology/Home Economics, and Art and Culture. Under the theme of camping tour, selected in relation to actual life herein, students were encouraged to solve problems themselves, acquire information to gain a creative outcome. In addition, to analyze the characteristics of students interested in science and technology,, analytical, objective, inferential and classified ways of examination were utilized to deal with artistic way of thinking. As a result, the following outcomes were found. First, students who had had lower interest in art subjects and distanced them from it were found to improve their satisfaction with art subjects and showed more proactive engagement. Second, by linking art classes with Earth Science I, Technology/Home Economics, etc., classes could be more interesting to students while providing them an opportunity to experience a converged class. Diversified ways of thinking were improved by connecting artistic activities such as appreciation, comprehension, communication, creativity, physical experience, emotional experience, etc. with scientific ways of thinking such as exploration, inference, separation, designing, manufacturing, etc. Third, under the theme of camping tour, this research program was organized with an European tour many student were interested in. In the program, students could experience more realistic activities from weather to tent setting. During the process, students were found to change their awareness on school textbook learning activities. Forth, by providing a group activity opportunity to high schools, which, in South Korea, have especially low frequency of group activities due to one-way knowledge delivery-centered way of education, high school students were found to enjoy a useful time of cooperation with other classmates, compromise, understanding and enhanced friendship. Fifth, regarding the STEAM education implementation in the field of school education, some obstacles were found such as class schedule, place of education, equipment and devices, efforts of teachers, education policies of a corresponding school. To establish a new learning environment with fresh system, schools are required to change and government support is also necessary as we suggested herein after experiencing the field status. Therefore, most of all, it seems essential to let students understand the need to converge diverse subjects and let them experience converged learning by combining different kinds of subjects. Against this backdrop, the present research seeks to make several suggestions for more integrated form of education in terms of quality based on the field of school education while exploring significance and proposals on art-converged STEAM education.
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