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Study on Runoff Curve Number of Weighted Average Method and Estimation of Effective Rainfall Considering Watershed Characteristic in South Korea

Study on Runoff Curve Number of Weighted Average Method and Estimation of Effective Rainfall Considering Watershed Characteristic in South Korea
Alternative Author(s)
Moon, Geon-Woo
Issue Date
The NRCS-CN (Natural Resources Conservation Service-Curve Number) method is generally applied for analyzing a rainfall-runoff relationship and estimating effective rainfalls in a basin. However, the NRCS-CN method has limitation when applied to South Korean basin, because the NRCS-CN method and curve number were developed based on U.S. basin characteristics. In addition, the effect of basin slope is not taken into account in runoff phenomenon. Though there are many application studies using weighted average method, the weighted CN method is mainly used for estimation of effective rainfall. However, the weighted CN method has limitation when estimating effective rainfalls. For instance, where differences in CN for a watershed are large, this method either under- or over-estimates effective rainfalls. Also, because of difference in CN of each land cover type in watershed, it is different to get effective rainfalls each land cover type of CN. In order to propose a more appropriate method for estimating effective rainfalls in South Korean basins, this study investigated the performance of two modified methods. i.e., employing the table CN provided by the NRCS and adjusting slope parameter of CN. Using the NRCS-CN method, effective rainfalls were calculated using the basin-averaged CN corresponding to the soil type and land use type. The effective rainfalls were also calculated using the adjusted curve number estimated by slope parameter equations for same events and then compared with those from the NRCS-CN method. The overall results acquired in this study indicated that the adjusted slope CN estimates curve numbers higher than the tabled CN in basin, the method of weighted Q estimates effective rainfalls higher than the weighted CN method in estimation of effective rainfall, the method of weighted Q - the adjusted slope CN closer to the observed direct runoff. The study also performed error analyses using RMSE, RRMSE, MAE and Skill Score to verify that the method of weighted Q - the adjusted slope CN (SLCN-WQ) can be applied in practice in hydrologic condition and land cover type of basin as more accurate estimate of basin-representative effective rainfall in South Korea.|유역의 강우-유출 관계를 분석하기 위하여 유효우량을 산정할 경우 주로 NRCS-CN 방법을 이용한다. NRCN-CN 방법에서 유역의 유출특성을 나타내는 중요한 인자인 유출곡선지수(CN)은 미국 유역을 대상으로 개발되어졌기 때문에, 미국 이외의 국가에서 적용될 경우 지역의 강우-유출 특성을 반영하지 못하는 한계점을 가지고 있다. 또한, 유출곡선지수는 유역에서의 경사 효과를 고려한 유출 현상에 대해서 고려되지 않았으며, 이에 대한 문제점이 노출되고 있는 현실이다. 가중평균방법에 있어 많은 연구 사례를 통하여 유역의 평균 CN값을 산정하고 유효우량을 산정하는 방법을 제시하고 있다. 하지만, 가중평균 CN 방법의 경우 유효우량의 과다 및 과소 산정이 되는 현상이 발생하는 한계점이 존재하며, 이에 대한 원인으로는 토지이용종류별로 CN값이 다르기 때문에 유효우량 또한 토지이용종류별로 유효우량에 대한 차이가 발생하게 된다. 이로 인하여 가중평균방법으로 유역의 평균 CN값을 통하여 유효우량을 산정하는 것은 정확하지 않는다는 한계점이 노출되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 NRCS-CN 방법을 통하여 우리나라 유역 특성에 적절한 유효우량 산정방법을 제시하기 위하여 유역의 경사효과를 고려한 CN값을 이용하여 유효우량을 산정하여 기존에 제시된 CN과의 비교・분석을 수행하였다. 또한, 유역의 토지이용종류별 CN값을 가중평균하는 방법과 유역의 토지이용종류별 CN을 이용한 유효우량의 가중평균 방법을 적용하여 유역을 대표하는 평균 유효우량을 산정하였다. 관측된 강우-유출 자료를 이용하여 관측 직접유출량을 추정하고, 통계학적 오차분석 및 Skill Score 분석을 통하여 수문조건 및 지형특성 별로 유출곡선지수를 고려한 가중평균방법에 대하여 비교・분석을 수행하였다. 본 연구 결과, 경사도를 고려하여 CN값을 보정할 경우 유효우량이 전반적으로 크게 산정되었으며, 가중평균 유효우량 방법은 가중평균 CN 방법보다 전반적으로 크게 산정되었음을 확인하였다. 통계학적 오차 분석을 수행한 결과, 전체적으로 수문조건 및 지형특성을 고려하였을 경우 경사도로 보정한 CN값을 적용한 가중평균 유효우량 산정방법이 관측 직접유출량과 높은 정확성을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, Skill Score 분석을 통하여 기존의 방법과는 달리 경사로 보정한 CN값을 이용한 가중평균 유효우량 방법이 상대적으로 좋은 방법이라는 것을 도출하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 보다 객관적인 설계홍수량 산정방법의 기준을 마련하기 위한 기초자료로서 활용될 수 있을 것이다.; The NRCS-CN (Natural Resources Conservation Service-Curve Number) method is generally applied for analyzing a rainfall-runoff relationship and estimating effective rainfalls in a basin. However, the NRCS-CN method has limitation when applied to South Korean basin, because the NRCS-CN method and curve number were developed based on U.S. basin characteristics. In addition, the effect of basin slope is not taken into account in runoff phenomenon. Though there are many application studies using weighted average method, the weighted CN method is mainly used for estimation of effective rainfall. However, the weighted CN method has limitation when estimating effective rainfalls. For instance, where differences in CN for a watershed are large, this method either under- or over-estimates effective rainfalls. Also, because of difference in CN of each land cover type in watershed, it is different to get effective rainfalls each land cover type of CN. In order to propose a more appropriate method for estimating effective rainfalls in South Korean basins, this study investigated the performance of two modified methods. i.e., employing the table CN provided by the NRCS and adjusting slope parameter of CN. Using the NRCS-CN method, effective rainfalls were calculated using the basin-averaged CN corresponding to the soil type and land use type. The effective rainfalls were also calculated using the adjusted curve number estimated by slope parameter equations for same events and then compared with those from the NRCS-CN method. The overall results acquired in this study indicated that the adjusted slope CN estimates curve numbers higher than the tabled CN in basin, the method of weighted Q estimates effective rainfalls higher than the weighted CN method in estimation of effective rainfall, the method of weighted Q - the adjusted slope CN closer to the observed direct runoff. The study also performed error analyses using RMSE, RRMSE, MAE and Skill Score to verify that the method of weighted Q - the adjusted slope CN (SLCN-WQ) can be applied in practice in hydrologic condition and land cover type of basin as more accurate estimate of basin-representative effective rainfall in South Korea.
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