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바이오 아트를 통한 무용의 시공간 확장 고찰

바이오 아트를 통한 무용의 시공간 확장 고찰
Other Titles
A study on the expanded time and space of dance expression through bio art
테크놀로지; 바이오 아트; 트랜스휴머니즘; 공간; 시간; technology; Bio Art; trans-humanism; space; time
Issue Date
한국무용교육학회지, v. 30, NO. 4, Page. 129-145
In today’s world technology, which is having a mass influenced in human daily lives. is rapidly growing by combining human and high-tech science and technol ogy with the development of modern science and technology. As such technology entered the 20th century; such influences impacted the arts sector to those artists who accepted scientific approaches to create and expand ways of expressing that further developed into a new arts genre named, bio art, where biological technol ogy is applied to arts. Bio Art is a media that uses biological factors of the human body not only the external information but also the internal data to produce the artwork that repre sents the idea of trans-humanism appropriately which reflects the current trend of the technological development. Consequently, performing arts can also collabo rate with the belief of trans-humanism in order to expand its own expressionism, in detail the space and time expression of the dance to improve more advanced hu man beings in an immediately changing society. Thus the dance needs to embrace this scientific technology to broaden its own boundaries such like other genres. Therefore, the question of this study is how such bio art can affect the expressions of the performing art, and when it has been applied to the dance how the time and space of the dance expression can be develop further. In order to reach the conclu sion of this research question, the study was divided into two different contents; expression of the bio art into artistic thinking, and digital media with biological media that integrate into artistic method. The work of bio art was considered in the perspective of Pavis’ theory of time and space (analyzing performance; theater, dance and film) which was then applied to the time and space of performing art. From this study, it can be concluded that bio art can enhance both the subjective inner time of the dance expression along with the gesture within the space. Therefore, this study investigated how the time and space of the dance broad en in the present era where technology advances in a high speed level. Then, it developed further to transcend human biological limitations by collaborating the artistic expression of bio art and the concept of the time and space of dance in the trans-humanistic contemporary with humanism theme which can provide various different platforms and opportunity for wider expressions of dance
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