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북한에서의 상거래(상행위) -손해보험(재산보험) 사업을 중심으로-

북한에서의 상거래(상행위) -손해보험(재산보험) 사업을 중심으로-
Other Titles
Commercial business in North Korea- focused on the business of non-life insurance
북한의상거래법; 재산(손해)보험; 보험가액과보험금액; 일부보험이나중복보험; 사기에 의한 초과보험; 보험자대위제도; 책임보험; North Korea's Commercial transaction law(Insurance Act); non-life insurance; under-insurance and double-insurance; over-insurance by fraud; subrogation; liability insurance
Issue Date
보험법연구, v. 11, no. 2, page. 39-81
북한의상거래법중 재산(손해)보험법은보험의 대상을재산에한정하여 권리보험에대해서는규정하지 않고있지만손해보험에서‘이익 없으면보험없다’는손해보험의원칙은우리와같다. 보험가액과보험금액애 대한규정을두고있지만, 그의미는뚜렷하지않아 보험가액이 보험금액의 최고한도가 된다는 정도이다. 일부보험이나 중복보험의 취급에대한 규정을 두었는데 보험가액의 확정이 큰 쟁점이 될 수 있음은 분명하다. 초과보험을 금지하고있지만이는주로단순한초과보험을예상한것으로보인다. 사기에의한초과보험에대해서는 특별한 정함이 없으나 북한 보험법 제20조에 의해 취소하는 것이 가능하다. 북한의 보험법은 중복보험에 대해 각 보험보상금의 총액이 보험가액을 넘을 수 없다고 한다. 그리고중복보험계약을체결한경우보험자에게그사실을알리게하고있다. 북한의손해보험법은하나의 보험대상을둘이상의보험에 가입하여그보상금의총액이 보험금을초과하는경우그효과가어떠한지에대한규정이없다. 그리고보험계약의부활제도대신갱신제도만있다. 일부보험에 관한 한 북한의 법은 우리 법제와 크게 다르지 않아서 보험자의 비례부담의 원칙은 동일하다. 북한에서도 보험목적에 대한 보험자대위제도를 두고 있지만 대위권을보험자가 포기할 수 있는지는 분명하지 않다. 제3자에 대한 보험자대위권이 가능하고 그 내용은자유주의보험제도와유사하다. 이때피보험자는보험자에게적극협조하여야하고제3자에 대한 피보험자의 권리를 함부로 포기하거나 그 행사에 지장을 주어서는 안된다. 책임보험에서 보험자는 피보험자로부터 피해를 입은 사람에게 직접 보험금을 지급하도록 한다.그러나, 우리처럼 피해자의 직접 청구권을 규정하지는 않고 있다.In North Korea, Commercial transaction law(Insurance Act) restricts the object of insurance to property and there is no right insurance there.However, in the principle of non-life insurance, it is the same that “No interest, no insurance”. Although the value insured and the amount of the insurance money are provided in the North Korea's Insurance Act, the meaning is not clear. The value insured should be the highest limit of the amount of insurance money there. The determination of the insured object's price can be a major issue as to under-insurance and double-insurance. Over-insurance is prohibited, but this seems to be mainly due to simple over-insurance. There is no specific designation for over-insurance by fraud. However, it can be canceled by Article §20 of the North Korean Insurance Act. North Korea 's Insurance Act states that the total amount of each insurance money for double-insurance can not exceed the value insured. If the double-insurance contract is concluded, the insurer should be informed of the fact. In North Korea's Insurance Act, there is no provision for the effect of a single insurance coverage if the insurance money summed exceeds the value insured.And there is only renewal system instead of resurrection of insurance contract. Regarding under-insurance, the law of North Korea is not so different from ours, so the principle of proportional burden of insurer is the same. In North Korea, it is not clear whether the insurer can give up the right of subrogation, even though it has the provision of subrogation. It is also possible to have an insurer subrogate against the third party, whose content is similar to that of a liberal insurance policy. At this time, the insured person must actively cooperate with the insurer and should not abandon his or her rights against the third person and should not interfere with the exercising of the insurer's right. In liability insurance, the insurer may pay insurance money directly to the victim. However, it does not specify the victim's direct claiming right as we(ROK) do.
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