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폐압발전설비 및 연료전지 활용

폐압발전설비 및 연료전지 활용
Other Titles
Application on the waste pressure power generation and fuel cell of the natural gas
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Hun sang
Issue Date
2019. 8
1. 과제명 : 압력발전설비 및 연료전지 활용 2. 배경 및 필요성 에너지 절약은 폐열회수에 국한되어 있는데 버려지는 폐기에너지는 폐열뿐만 아니라 폐압도 있음을 인식해야 한다. 천연가스 정압을 통한 압력손실이 에너지 손실이 아닌 것으로 간주하였던 것이 이제까지 천연가스 정압과정에 설치 활용되고 있지 못한 이유이다. 국내의 경우는 전국으로 천연가스를 수송하는 주배관망으로부터, 수도권의 중간압, 정압, 복합화력발전소 및 도시가스로의 정압뿐만 아니라, 도시가스회사에서는 일반수용가로의 지구정압기에 이르기까지 정압과정이 있으며 전국적으로 폐압발전설비를 통한 전력생산이 가능하고 생산된 전력은 자가소비 및 전력거래소로 판매를 할 수 있다. 2014년부터 도시가스회사 공급용 정압관리소에 시범설치 운영되고 있는 폐압발전설비를 국내 발전소용과 도시가스회사 공급용 정압관리소 와 도시가스회사 지구정압기로 확대 보급하는 방안에 대해 설치여건과 경제성을 검토하였다. 아울러 폐압발전설비 확대보급을 위해서는 신재생 에너지에 해당되는 전력요금을 적용하고 연료전지와 연계해 효율성 과 경제성을 높이는 방안이 필요한 것으로 제시하였다.; It is recognised that energy conservation is to recover waste heat from old times. The waste pressure may be included in waste to energy as renewable energy. In addition, The waste pressure generation using natural gas couldn't install easily because the waste pressure in the process of decompression of natural gas is not considered as a loss of energy. On the domestic side, there are pipeline to carry natural gas, decompression to supply power plant and city gas company. City gas companies have a lot of local decompression station that needed to supply natural gas to end-user throughout the country. Production of electricity by waste pressure could be used to consume by oneself and sales. The waste pressure generation using natural gas is operating in decompression station for city gas company from 2014. The research report was reviewed on solution to extend waste pressure power generation in natural gas decompression station for power plant, city gas companies and local decompression station owned by city gas companies using economical efficiency evaluation according to the pressure difference. To the installation expansion of the waste pressure power generation is needed to confer a benefit as renewable energy. It can be associated with fuel cells to increase the efficiency and economy. This research report was reviewed waste pressure power generation to suitable domestic situation as a study on the economic analysis. The waste pressure power generation should be operated efficiently and stably without any problems. The waste pressure power generation has been operating in natural gas decompression station for city gas companies as demonstration was considered for economic analysis including sales performance. Analysis for the economy of waste pressure power generation was performed go through comparative study in natural gas decompression station for power plant, city gas companies and local decompression station owned by city gas companies. Temperature of natural gas passed through waste pressure power generation is considerably downed. So, Natural gas may be heated before inlet of waste pressure power generation. The use of natural gas of hot water boiler was considerably increased a lot. Due to increase the use of natural gas to preheat, economic feasibility of waste pressure power generation is lower. The complex process system linked to fuel cell is required in the waste pressure power generation. The fuel cell generates electricity and produces heat additionally. A heat produced from fuel is needed instead of preheating of natural gas. As a result, economics of the waste pressure power generation will be better. In addition, sale price of electricity is highly profitable owing to fuel cell is recognized as renewable energy. In the future, as a complex system, the waste pressure power generation will be combine with fuel cell for installation expansion. It is naturally necessary that waste pressure power generation may be regarded as renewable energy. Long term contract with power generating company will be created additional installation of waste pressure power generation and fuel cell. With localization of the waste pressure power generation, manufacture cost of complex process system could be lower and acquire technical skill easily. As a result of advancement of technology, the waste pressure power generation will be to maintain stably and to operate reliably. We have good hopes that the waste pressure power generation with fuel cell will be used eco-friendly as a renewable energy. Application on the waste pressure power generation has great potential in becoming a main source of energy in the future.
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